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NDAT CTN Training is pleased to announce that the GCP training website has been up-versioned to include design and e-learning modifications as well as.
The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) online training consists of 12 modules. Each module discusses a specific GCP standard. General conduct of research.

GCP training may be achieved through a class or course, academic training program, or certification from a recognized clinical research.

Training in GCP may be achieved through a class or course, academic training program, or certification from a recognized clinical research professional.

The Clinical Research Training (CRT) is a web-based course that addresses one of the essential standards (Training and Education) approved.

Thus, investigators and site staff may receive GCP training multiple times each year, ... Online GCP training has the benefits of flexibility and convenience.

In September 2016, the NIH issued a Policy on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training for NIH Awardees Involved in NIH-funded Clinical Trials.
Individuals who are involved in the conduct of existing NIH-supported clinical trials will need to take GCP training as soon as practical.

Notice: You have left NIH-managed Web pages and have been redirected to a contractor's website operating on behalf of the NIH Clinical Center Office.

CITI Program offers several GCP courses that are acceptable GCP training for the NIH policy released on 16 September 2016. The following GCP ICH E6.

GCP Training Required for NIH-Sponsored Clinical Trials. December 16, 2016. The National Institutes of Heath (NIH) policy on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training takes effect ... New Alternative to NIH Online Training Now Available!

The Clinical Research Network has delivered GCP training since 2009, and we launched our e-learning programmes in 2012. Since then, over 147,000 people.

On 16 September 2016, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a new policy (Policy on Good Clinical Practice Training for NIH Awardees.

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