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Catalan ONLINE Language COURSE

Duolingo's bite-sized Catalan lessons are fun, easy, and 100% free. Practice online with language courses that are scientifically proven to work. The Consortium for Linguistic Standardisation organises Catalan courses for adults (older than 16 or 18 years old) at all levels in most cities of Catalonia.

How to learn Catalan by yourself? Start with an easy and free online course! We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak. Learn Catalan: easy, online and free for beginners and advanced learners - no ... Learn fast and easily with the language course Catalan by "50 languages".

Cat, which offers free online Catalan courses developed by the Generalitat de Catalunya. You can sign up to use this website from anywhere in the world.

Parla is a virtual learning space that offers all the educational materials for learning the Catalan language. The course can be done with a self-managed.

Get an introduction to Catalan society, by learning about its history, language and culture, with this course from Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona.
The language services of the Catalan universities work hard to offer high-quality Catalan courses. Have a look at the list of courses at your university and find out.

Learn Catalan Online: Free online Catalan resources to accelerate your language ... to language learning whilst taking one of our face-to-face Catalan courses.

Free resources, tools and information about the Catalan language! Discover free online Catalan language courses from top universities. Thousands of reviews written by Class Central users help you pick the best course.

Parla is an innovative online Catalan course. The course can be taken independently or with a tutor and features three levels of learning: basic, elementary.

Learn Catalan in Barcelona. Resources and schools for learning Catalan including a free online Catalan language course. Catalan is a Romance language named after Catalonia, in northeastern Spain and adjoining parts of France. It's spoken in three regions of Spain.

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